When you join the National Rehabilitation Association a benefit of membership includes state and regional privileges. Membership provides networking opportunities with other professionals in the field of vocational rehabilitation. Membership also provides connections with local and state service providers and linkages to updates and training opportunities within the field.

Learn about becoming a member!

View the video to learn about the national, state, and local benefits of becoming a member of the Missouri Rehabilitation Association1


There are many ways to get involved with MRA. Many individuals get involved on a state level and run for election as a state board members. Each year the MRA hosts a three-day training conference. At a regional level, many individuals run for election on local MRA board. MRA has regional chapters in Kansas City, Eastern Chapter (St. Louis), Heart of Missouri (Columbia), and Southwest Missouri (Springfield). Local chapters host networking events, trainings, fundraising opportunities, and banquets.

Missouri Rehabilitation Association

MRA State Board of Directors

  • PRESIDENT: Lesa Allsop, Vocational Rehabilitation

  • PRESIDENT-ELECT: William Dooley, Vocational Rehabilitation

  • PAST PRESIDENT: Michael Kiener, Maryville University

  • SECRETARY: Tanita Jeffries, 1st Choice Employment

  • TREASURER: Kareena Cloe, Vocational Rehabilitation

  • BOARD MEMBER: CONSUMER MARKETING: Elizabeth Perkins, Vocational Rehabilitation

  • BOARD MEMBER: MEMBERSHIP: Erica King, Vocational Rehabilitation

  • BOARD MEMBER: AWARDS/PUBLIC RELATIONS: Kimberly Pudlowski, University of Missouri

  • BOARD MEMBER: LEGISLATIVE: Dan Mayes, Firefly Services

Local Chapter Presidents

  • Kareena Cloe, Vocational Rehabilitation (Kansas City Chapter)

  • Matt Jannings, Boone Center, INC (Eastern Chapter)

  • Carol Rothove, 1st Choice Employment (Heart of Missouri Chapter)

  • Laura Jordan, Vocational Rehabilitation (Southwest Chapter)


Kansas City

Executive Board:

  • PRESIDENT: Kareena Cloe, Vocational Rehabilitation


  • PAST PRESIDENT: Dan Mayes, Firefly Employment Services

  • SECRETARY: Jason Lisenbee, Vocational Rehabilitation

  • TREASURER: Jeff Stephens, Beacon Mental Health

Board Members:

  • PUBLIC RELATIONS: Diana Eakright, Community Services League

  • LEGISLATIVE: Missy McGaw, Firefly Employment Services

  • MEMBERSHIP: Darla Cole, Firefly Employment Services

  • NETWORKING- MARKETING: Wendy Moore, Jackson County Health Department

  • MAX PRINCE FUND: Karen Dean, Vocational Rehabilitation

Board Members:

  • NETWORKING: Nathan Bauer, Rockwood School District

  • CONSUMER MARKETING: Dr. Michael Kiener, Maryville University


  • BOARD MEMBER AT LARGE: Michelle Willenbrock, Vocational Rehabilitation

  • BOARD MEMBER AT LARGE: Rebecca Jose, Vocational Rehabilitation

  • BOARD MEMBER AT LARGE: Liz Ewert, Veterans Amdinistration

  • BOARD MEMBER AT LARGE: Tom Hutson, St. Louis ARC

  • BOARD MEMBER AT LARGE: Kim Chaplin, Vocational Rehabilitation

  • BOARD MEMBER AT LARGE: Kelsey Schumacher, England & Company Rehabilitation Services

  • BOARD MEMBER AT LARGE: Cindy Jung, Provident Behavioral Health

  • BOARD MEMBER AT LARGE: Kate Treat, MERS Goodwill

  • BOARD MEMBER AT LARGE: Tyler Rottman, Student

  • BOARD MEMBER AT LARGE: Ashley Lane, Vocational Rehabilitation

  • BOARD MEMBER AT LARGE: Lesa Allsop, Vocational Rehabilitation

Executive Board:

  • PRESIDENT: Matt Jannings, Boone Center, INC


  • PAST PRESIDENT: Casey Anderson, Vocational Rehabilitation

  • SECRETARY: Marisa Hiatt, Mercy

  • TREASURER: Kim Pudlowski, University of Missouri

Heart of Missouri

Executive Board:

  • PRESIDENT: Carol Rothove, 1st Choice Employment

  • PAST PRESIDENT: Luke Daily, Vocational Rehabilitation

  • PRESIDENT ELECT: Tanita Jeffries, 1st Choice Employment Agency

  • TREASURER: Tania Cook, Job Point

  • SECRETARY: Starla Starke, Vocational Rehabilitation

  • SOCIAL CHAIR: Sandra Crowder, Vocational Rehabilitation

Executive Board:

  • PRESIDENT: Laura Jordan, Vocational Rehabilitation

  • PAST PRESIDENT: William Dooley, Vocational Rehabilitation

  • PRESIDENT ELECT: Tracy Glenn, MERS Goodwill

  • TREASURER: Brooke Thorton, Vocational Rehabilitation

  • SECRETARY: Emily Smasal, Developmental Center of the Ozarks

Southwest Missouri

Board Members:

  • MEMBERSHIP CHAIR: Cim Holker, MERS Goodwill

  • BOARD MEMBER LEGISLATIVE: Jill Roetto, Vocational Rehabilitation

  • MARKETING- NETWORKING: Mason Cowan, Firefly

  • MEMBER AT LARGE: Heather Deluce, Vocational Rehabilitation

  • MEMBER AT LARGE: Erica King, Vocational Rehabilitation

  • MEMBER AT LARGE: Kyle Reed, Vocational Rehabilitation