In this section you will read about unemployment benefits.
“Have you ever been laid off from a job? Maybe you quit a job for a good reason?
How easy was it to find another job? How much time and effort did it take?”
Unemployment benefits are meant to be a financial support while looking for a new job. If you have not used unemployment benefits personally you might at some point in your career need to know how to apply for or support someone who needs assistance applying.
Qualifications for Benefits:
• You lose your job through no fault of your own OR you quit for good cause related to the work or the employer.
• Must make at least $2,250—at least $1,500 during one of the calendar quarters, and at least $750 during the remainder of the base period—from an insured employer during your base period.
• AND your total base period wages must be at least 1.5 times your highest quarter wages.
• OR you must make at least 1.5 times the Taxable Wage Base during two of the four base period quarters.
Are you confused yet?
Applying for unemployment can be a complicated process. Imagine if you had no support or resources to help you.
First, you need to know how to determine your base period. The below chart tells you your base period based on your claim start date.
Let’s talk about the taxable wage base. According to the Department of Labor (Missouri Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, 2025) the taxable wage base is “the maximum amount of an employee’s gross wages that can be taxed in a calendar year.”
For the year 2025 the taxable wage base is $9,500.
Once you know these two pieces of information you can determine if you would qualify for Unemployment Benefits.
Watch the below video from the Missouri Department of Labor explaining how to apply.
How to apply
Daniel has been written up twice for tardiness at work. Daniel’s boss states that if it happens again Daniel will be terminated, this has happened before, and Daniel knows that VR will not re-open his case if he is fired. One day Daniel is running late for work and knowing what his boss said decides instead of being fired he will call and quit. Daniel is applying for Unemployment; will he be accepted?
If you answered no, you are correct. Remember to qualify for unemployment benefits you must lose your job through “no fault of your own or you quit for a good cause.”
What are Daniel’s options?
It is important to note that not everyone who applies for Unemployment Benefits will be accepted.
Have you ever heard of unemployment hearings?
These hearings are conducted between the applicant, the employer, and the Division of Employment Security. If an application is not approved the applicant has the option to appeal the decision.
Division of Employment Security
P.O. Box 59
Jefferson City, MO 65104-0059
Fax: 573-751-9730Claimant Contact: 800-320-2519 or
Employer Contact: 573-751-1995 or
Confidential Records Request:
The Steps of the Appeals Process (Missouri Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, 2025):
Job Loss: The claimant loses his/her job through no fault of his/her own.
Initial Claim: Claimant files a claim for unemployment insurance (UI) benefits with DES.
Determination: The deputy makes a determination either granting or denying UI benefits to the claimant.
Appeal: The claimant can appeal either the denial of benefits, or the amount of UI benefits. Likewise, former employers may appeal the allowance of benefits or the amount. Both parties have 30 days from the date of the determination to file an appeal in writing or online using UInteract.
Hearing: An Appeals Tribunal referee conducts a hearing in which both parties have a chance to argue their case and present their evidence. See below for more information.
Decision: The referee issues a decision based on the hearing
What can you do to support someone applying for unemployment?
It may not happen often, but it is always good to know how to support someone who is currently receiving unemployment or wanting to apply for unemployment. During the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020-2021 many agencies providing employment support were helping individuals who were furloughed apply for and maintain their unemployment benefits.
Supports may look like the following:
Aid in gathering necessary documentation to apply
Helping an individual create an account through
Reporting “work search” activities
Tracking job applications, and hours worked
Applying for jobs
Re-opening a case with Vocational Rehabilitation or the Department of Mental Health
Unemployment benefits provide temporary financial support to individuals who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own. These benefits are typically funded by state and federal programs and aim to help individuals cover basic expenses while they search for new employment. Something to note about Unemployment benefits is that benefit amounts and duration depend on the claimant’s prior earnings and state-specific rules, with most states offering up to 26 weeks of assistance. Additional federal programs may extend benefits during times of high unemployment or economic downturn. During the COVID pandemic we saw an extension of these benefits in the State of Missouri. These benefits are crucial in stabilizing incomes and supporting job seekers during transitional periods. As an employment supports specialist it is important you can provide resources and information to those receiving your support.